Author Profile

Dr. Lindsay Banks, DC, MS, CPT

Member since 4 years ago

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Dr. Lindsay Banks is owner of Healthy Motives 365 located in Houston, Texas. The mission of Healthy Motives 365 is to encourage clients to achieve optimum health by incorporating healthy habits daily. She educates her clients on the importance of regular Chiropractic care, daily physical activity, healthy eating habits and developing a positive mindset.

Dr. Lindsay works with patients to help them transition to a healthier lifestyle by making subtle changes daily or in other words, as she likes to say by “Finding Health in Everyday!”

Dr. Lindsay’s educational background includes a Doctorate of Chiropractic from Logan University in Chesterfield, Missouri (2008) and a Masters of Exercise Physiology from Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville (2013). She is also a Certified Personal Trainer through American College of Sports Medicine (2009).

Her professional career includes running her own practice where she provides Chiropractic care, healthy lifestyle coaching, yoga and fitness classes while also leading a team of faculty as Department Chair of Health Sciences.

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