Who is EHMA?

We provide the advocacy, leadership, and solutions to address common challenges, concerns and opportunities for our medical providers, business leaders, and community residents of East Houston.

What are the benefits of joining?

  • Networking opportunities
  • Support
  • A platform to promote your organization and events

Membership is free!

Register here

Are you prepared?

The Texas Gulf Coast is no stranger to natural disasters and East Houston has been hit hard in recent storms. EHMA encourages the community to have a disaster preparedness plan and have all emergency contacts updated.

Visit our Community Resource page for disaster & emergency contacts.

Member Spotlight

Happy Hour sponsored by East Houston Hospital & Clinics – networking event introducing 3 members of our East Houston community:

  • Ra’Kerry Rahman, MD
  • Roosevelt Offoha, MD
  • Daren McCalla, MD

See you there.